Beginner's Pluck* - By Liz Forkin Bohannon
From the time we are young we have a sense of direction. During our formative years we understand we are to finish high school, one year at a time. We are often then encouraged to continue our higher education or at the least get our foot in the door of a future career. We tend to have on our radar the continued steps of 1) get married, 2) have children 3) retire. This is all fine on paper, and happens in reality for many, but at some point in our advanced years we can find ourselves plucked from our pre-planned path, at a crossroads, and frantically searching for our next step – our purpose.
In Beginner’s Pluck the author’s focus throughout the book is to encourage readers to build their life upon purpose and one of impact all while having the courage to do so now. She brings to light the common challenge we all face in accomplishing such a task – fear. Wether fear of insecurity, inability, or even that of comparison with others who may try to leverage themselves as the above average competition, fear often gets in our way of not just dreaming about our purpose and impact, but doing it.
A couple of ways I personally identified with this book are the following:
“You’ve got to stop asking for directions to a place that doesn’t yet exist. There is no Right First Step. There are only the sacred steps that will make your path. But only if you walk it. (page 127).” I always pictured my life as after having kids being a stay-at-home mom. You know, the full works – PTA, classroom mom, and carpooling, to tending to the house, pressing all of my husbands shirts, and home made meals on the table every evening. Life took a different turn and I unexpectedly found myself a single-momma having to re-enter the workforce to provide for my children. Although I made my children a priority in the job I accepted, thus allowing me to chaperone, transport my kids to/from school and be home to ensure we ate dinner gathered around the table as a family each night, I still longed for the “more” I was missing. I often found myself questioning what was the right decision to make, wishing I had a sounding board, wanting to tag team issues that arose, and longing for what this new course of life looked like for us. This book repeatedly reminded me one of the major differences you’ll make on venturing through your path is to simply put, walk it. Don’t give up. Press forward.
“Hidden within the disappointment, the failure, the unexpected change of plans, there is a nugget of a miracle just waiting to be discovered (page 116).” Since the day I graduated with my Bachelor of Science I had on my bucket list the goal of accomplishing my Master of Science. As a single momma who prioritized her children first, I didn’t see how I’d ever have the added income to feel as if I could invest in me for this goal. Through my employer I received a scholarship which allowed me the opportunity to not only pursue my degree, but accomplish that goal on my bucket list. This is an opportunity I would not have had if I hadn’t experienced my disappointments and failures and change of plans resulting in me needing to re-enter the workforce.
“Do not be fooled by the notion that in order to build a life of purpose and impact you must be the Keeper and Defender of your precious ideas and solutions (page 100).” I have found much pride and joy in sharing my knowledge and experience with others so that they may grow and develop. I strive NOT to be the smartest person in the room so that I can openly learn from others and therefore continue to grow myself. As my personal conviction is to put my children as priority, I have had to bypass opportunities that I would have otherwise loved to take on, yet being a source of ideas and solutions to help others succeed in such roles.
Above all, as the author well puts – Stop Running Someone Else’s Race. Put aside the comparisons, the disappointments, the hardships and the fear that have stood in your way. Seek to not just follow the hum-drum of the day, but to intentionally build your life of purpose and impact – now.
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““We are simply called to figure out what we have to offer. The gift we have to give, the words we have to speak, the art we have to make, the song we have to sing.””