The Generosity Factor - By Ken Blanchard & S. Truett Cathy
Dan Cathy - CEO Chick-fil-A
In 2018 I was invited by the Chick-fil-A Foundation to take part in a one-year leadership program, The Fellows. Through this leadership program I would visit places where I could see and hear the stories of many who would pour in me their wisdom, challenge my mindset and open my eyes to various perspectives. I was reminded the value of time and the gift time is to both extend it to others as well as receive it. Through the time of my program-assigned-mentor via phone calls every other week, the time of top executives from various organizations sharing their tips learned through their years of leadership, the time extended of the Fellow participants to listen to others in need and/or be a resource to them, and the time of a CEO of a national company opening his home for an evening celebration of a year’s hard-work…I saw first hand that time IS a gift!
As the saying goes, “People may not remember what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel.” The Fellows made me feel valued and inspired. Through the entire year I continued to be amazed at the investment this company was making in us…three trips, meals, lodging, speakers, care packages mailed to us each quarter, even a day at Disneyland, California. It wasn’t until I read this book that it truly clicked…The Generosity Factor.
This is an easier read, short in pages (114 pages), broken down into seventeen smaller chapters which encourages one to keep reading, and is in a captivating story-telling format that draws you in and makes it virtually impossible to put down.
The story tells of a Broker who is not the least bit considerate of others, especially his Driver. The Broker soon learns from a Columnist about an Executive who sees himself as a “caretaker – a manager of the things He (God) actually owns” who feels that it is his responsibility to manage it all well and then use those resources to help others. Totally perplexed by this concept, the Broker travels to shadow the Executive for a few days where he sees this man’s generosity in action. While there he learns some valuable tips such as:
Four things we all have to give: Time, Talent Treasure and Touch
The Lesson of the coin: Wisdom (be smart), Justice (be fair) and Moderation (live life in balance)
The three M’s: Master (who do you follow), Mission (what is your purpose), and Mate (with whom do you want to share your life)
The five key principles: He owns it all, Every day is an opportunity, Action is required, Remember your blessings, and Thank Him
Although I already knew this was co-authored by S. Truett Cathy, it wasn’t until reading the book and it’s descriptions of this Executives work environment and how he treated his employees that I vividly recalled my experience observing such through my time in the Fellows program – spoiler alert – the Executive WAS the founder of Chick-fil-A, the very company who provided me all of these priceless experiences through the Fellows program. I, myself, am living proof of this book’s authenticity. Wow! Mind blown!
So, why did I include this review as professional vs. personal? This book seems to challenge other companies at looking not only at what you can do for yourself and overall company profits, but rather seeing one’s company purpose being “to get in order to give.”
Purchase The Generosity Factor book now on Amazon.
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““You will know by the sincerity of your generosity, by the joy you find in service, and by the selfless nature of your relationships. You will know by the depth of your changed heart.” (regarding how you will know you have attained significance)”