How to Love Yourself - Season 4 Episode 3
Valentines Day is quickly approaching which often means that we are looking for ways to show a little extra love to those we care about. We often focus on showing that love to our family, friends, coworkers and even through valentines we get for our kiddos to give to their teachers. Regardless of if we are single, married, or in a relationship - we can often overlook showing a little love to ourselves.
So, today on Holly's Highglights podcast we are going to explore a little more about this thing called self-love as it truly is a concept - a life long process.
We have makeup to the celebrities and special guest, Jayna Marie, with us today to help navigate how to self love. In this episode on Holly's Highlights podcast you'll take away learning the following:
- Why loving ourselves so important.
- How we can look past our imperfections and see what makes us - us.
- How to embrace our unique story.
- How to overcome our struggle with body issues.
- How do cope when others don’t like “us."
- Why it is so important to love ourselves now, as we are.
- How to fully love ourselves even while a work in progress.
Related episodes:
- Season 2 Episode 3 = Valentine's Day and Relationships with Focus on the Family,
- Season 3 Episode 3 = Languages of love (and learning our love language)
So, as we get ready for this season of love, may we be reminded of Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” - and as result - show ourselves a little more self love as we strive to truly live loved. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Connect with Jayna:
Instagram: jaynamariemakeup
Postcast: Big Lash Energy
Sponsor shout out: Christy Flater
Independent Sales Director, Mary Kay
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