S.2 E.21 - How to be a Barnabas in a Kardashian world

Let's face it - life can be tough and we need each other. I think one way we can accomplish this is through encouragement. I've always liked what Barnabas in the Bible is known for. Acts 4:36 shares with us how Barnabas actually had a different name of Joseph, but then the disciples named him Barnabas as that actually means "son of encouragement."). Barnabas was all about focusing on others instead of himself and he was known as an encourager. Our world however tends to be so "me" focused. The media is flooded with tips and tricks on how to be happy, telling you just do what makes you feel good, and how to have it all - and we have all these reality shows of following people's drama. Now please note, I have nothing against the Kardashians, don't hear me wrong, but what I'm referring to is our society tends to teach us that the focus must be on us, that life is all about being happy, how many hits/followers/reaches/downloads can you get - as that will determine your sucess, your worth, your value, your - happiness or fullfillment. But it's so important we come together and focus on being there for one another, to have each other's backs, to encourage those around us - that it is when we humble ourselves, put others first, serve one another - that we are able to really see what matters - and that life isn't just "about me." Well, one way to do that - is to focus on not self, but others - through encouragement.

There are 7 ways that come to mind in how we can encourage others and we'll unpack these on today's episode of Holly's Highlights.

Proverbs 11:25 tells us "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Who can you encourage and how can you encourage them? Instead of having the limelight on yourself. Go be a Barnabas, in a Kardashian world.

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