The Power of Exceptional Customer Care - Season 5 Episode 14

Have you ever had a customer service experience so poor it made you vow never to return? I share a personal story about a disappointing visit to a local soda shop that lost me as a customer due to mishandling a simple complaint. But it’s not all bad news—tune in to hear heartwarming examples of exceptional service from a cherished local cafe, a cruise line that anticipates my every need, and a family camp in New Mexico that went above and beyond. These stories highlight how making customers feel seen, heard, and understood creates lasting loyalty and positive impressions far beyond product quality and pricing.

Inspired by well-known organizations, I delve into the importance of purposeful customer service training. Learn why investing in training your team to show exceptional customer service can transform your business by harnessing the unique gifts of each employee to serve others effectively. This episode is packed with encouragement, inspiration, and practical tools to help your organization go from transactional to relational. Don’t forget to leave a review, subscribe, and join my email list for ongoing updates and opportunities to connect!

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