# 7 - 4 Tips To Have A Grateful Heart

The other day my kids and I were at a local event when we saw a girl crying as her mom was dragging her out the exit door. The little girl asked "why are we leaving" to which the mom frustratingly replied, "Because you're not appreciative." The little girl wailed, "But I AM appreciative." As I watched this sight unfold before me I had to laugh - as a mom I can totally relate. Isn't that how life can be? We try to do something nice for others and it just isn't enough. I guess it's part of the whole "keeping up with the Jones'" mentality of not ever having enough, comparing what we have with others, or even being jealous of what others do have in life. It boils down to, "Are we content?"

I heard a quote once that went a little something like this, "If you woke up only having what you thanked God for the night prior, what would you still have?" That's pretty convicting. On this episode, we are going to take a look at four ways we can have a grateful heart. 

First - creating habits. Perhaps this is journaling or simply writing it down. Maybe it's as you get up out of bed in the morning or before you go to bed at night. For me and my kids, one way is around the dinner table each night we discuss one thing that was the worst part of our day and one thing that was the best part of our day. This helps me know their perspective as to what the weight of the world on their shoulders looks like to them, but also for us to end on a good note of counting our blessings of what went well in the day. Perhaps this may even involve getting back to the old fashioned custom of writing a handwritten thank you note to those who have done something for you either of a gift, word, or simply time.

Second - surround yourself with reminders.  This may be quotes that you put around your home or even photos displayed. There are so many places to put photos too - from your phone, your computer, to even a frame on your desk at work or hung on the wall at home. These photos might include trips you've been on or places you'd like to go, pictures of your kids, spouse, parents, pet, or wherever your happy place is.

Third - be present. Put down your phone, put away your computer, and simply be in the moment. My dad's dog does this to us where he'll nudge away our arm from the computer or physically get in between us and our phone as if to say, "pay attention to me." Be in the moment.

Fourth - refocus your thoughts. Basically change your attitude and perspective from the negative to the positive. Look for the good in even the toughest times. I have a verse next to my bedside that reads "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, think on these things" Phil. 4:8. This helps me to take any frustration of the day and refocus my thoughts on what is good. After all, gratitude is a choice.

I hope that in the days ahead you'll implement these four ways to change your frown upside down and CHOOSE to have a grateful heart. 

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