The Power of Prayer

I’m sure you can relate - you receive that news that you were NOT expecting. Suddenly, you are frustrated, discouraged, and ever so desperate not to have to walk a certain road. I recently experienced such a moment when having a setback from a surgery. The doctor thought we’d have to go back for surgery and start all over again. After throwing myself a little pity party I decided I’d simply give the situation to God…lay it completely at His feet - and pray!

As I’ve declared before, I believe in the power of prayer. That doesn’t mean we get what we want, but it is having the faith of a mustard seed to take it before the throne of God, share with Him what’s on our hearts, believing He can answer, but also trusting in how He chooses - to ask in Jesus name.

God chose to answer my prayers with a huge praise of no more surgery, but that didn’t mean I was in the free and clear, I still had some setbacks - but I celebrated and thanked God for that blessing of protection.

I share this as a reminder to myself, God’s got you! My friend, we may not be able to understand the whys sometimes, but we can always trust His loving heart. He’s got us!

What are you experiencing today that has you a little on edge? Have you taken it before the throne of God? He may answer with a no, a yes, or even a not yet - but oh dear friend, there surely is power in prayer.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let you requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16b

Check out The Challenges of Prayer episode on Holly’s Highlights podcast (season 3, episode 5).