What’s the Big Deal with Hiring a Coach?

Hiring a leadership or a personal life coach. Perhaps you are one of the many pondering why would businesses hire a leadership coach to work with their executives and/or leadership teams when they don’t work for the company? Maybe you struggle with the idea of paying someone to help you through transitions in your personal life, or what a life coach could really help you with that you couldn’t just google or youtube.

Well, coaches typcially have a strong portfolio in leadership and life skills, and they genuinely want to help others by investing their knowledge and experience into those whom they coach. Coaches can be very effective in helping those they work with improve self awareness, self confidence, and self leadership all while helping improve work performance, increase employee retention, improve relationships (cultures in business/work settings), and positively impact communication skills. Three of the biggest areas where coaching can benefit you might be in helping hold you accountable, challenge you to look at your own self-limiting beliefs and/or attitudes, as well as help you identify and navigate through your blind spots (areas that don’t come natural to you, or perspectives/ideas/opportunities you may be overlooking).

So, how do you know which is right for you?

Leadership coaching is a benefit companies can offer, or entrepreneurs can code as a business expense, and is typically an ongoing investment. Clients tend to form a strong bond with their coaches as they become someone they can trust, be vulnerable with, and experience many seasons of both challenges and successes together. Leadership coaching can help those wanting to:

  • grow and develop in their leadership role

  • help their team collaborate more productively

  • empower your team to better understand leadership styles and their own leadership characteristics

  • have more positive impact in their role and with their team

  • identify, strategize and effectively reach their goals

  • prepare for ongoing changes in your workplace

  • develop a life-work balance

  • have someone willing to call them out

  • have a trusted sounding board

Life coaching is a personal expense and is often more of a temporary investment. It may be more tailored to a certain aspect of the season of life you are in such as motherhood or empty nester; or a specific need you have such as time management or trip panning; or even a challenge experiencing such as writing your resume or pursuing a major life decision. Although life coaching may have it’s seasons, due to the nature of the client-coach relationship, a client will often reach back out to a coach during the next challenge or growth opportunity in life. Life coaching is for those needing:

  • another perspective on issues they are dealing with

  • transitions they may be experiencing in life

  • personal goal setting

  • career exploration including resume building and how to prep for an interview

  • a listening ear to help process life’s demands and opportunities

Overall, coaching for businesses or personal are for those with growth mindsets who truly want to be challenged outside of their comfort zones. Even top leaders such as Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Andre Agassi, and Serena Williams have hired business coaches. So, if you are looking for someone who can be objective in giving you feedback, provide a deeper and perhaps differing perspective and/or insights, all while helping you grow the business - well, then you’ll not only understand what’s the big deal with hiring a coach, but you’ll invest in hiring a coach today.

Ready to work with a coach? I’d value the opportunity to work with you. I’d welcome you to check out “work with me” on www.hollycurby.com. Have questions? Let’s connect at hello@hollycurby.com.